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Types of Communications

The following types of communications will be published:

  • Full papers (research papers or scientific reports) of 12 to 15 single-spaced pages
  • Reports (e.g. projects) of up to 5 single-spaced pages. A recommendation of the project director and topicality arguments are required.
  • Extended essays (summaries of master thesis, etc.) of up to 3 single-spaced pages. A recommendation of the supervisor is required.

Review Process

Full papers will be reviewed by two reviewers through a blind review process. Reports and extended essays are read by Editorial Board Members. Comments are occasionally sought elsewhere.


All papers submitted to the IJCSS should be electronically sent in Microsoft Word format using the IJCSS template, which can be downloaded here. Please read carefully the “guidelines for authors” for detailled information regarding the correct format of writing. Submitted papers will be rejected if they do not follow these guidelines.

Download the guidelines for authors

Download the IJCSS template


Full papers should contain original work and are not expected to make extensive use of footnotes or other references to materials based on previously published findings. Papers are taken into consideration for publication if they are submitted only to IJCSS and nowhere else. All material submitted must be accompanied by a statement by the lead author, with the authority of all of the authors, making it clear that:

  • the material submitted is original and unpublished;
  • is not under consideration for publication elsewhere;
  • the material will not be submitted for publication elsewhere while it is under consideration for publication in the IJCSS;
  • if accepted for publication in the IJCSS, the material will not be submitted elsewhere for publication, either in part or in whole, without the written consent of the Editor in Chief.

Material submitted will not enter the refereeing process until such an undertaking has been received.


The article must be in American English using SI units. It must be in Times New Roman size 12 font throughout, fully justified, with a 3 cm margin on the both sides, with pages numbered consecutively, with no line numbering and no ‘headers and footers’ (other than page numbers). Arrange the article under headings (such as Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions) and subheadings.

Include an abstract of not more than 200 words that summarizes the paper and gives a clear indication of the conclusions it contains. It should be inserted in the article after the Authors’ addresses, indented by 1 cm from both sides of the normal text (i.e. 4 cm. margin in total). The abstract must not contain figures or tables.

Key Words
A list of up to 5 key words that describe the general content of the contribution should be included after the abstract.

Tables and illustrations
Illustrations, plates, tables and any other artwork should be included in the electronic submission. Tables must be clearly and simply laid out with clear row and column legends, units where appropriate, no vertical lines and horizontal lines only between the table title and column headings, between the column headings and the main body of the table, and after the main body of the table. Photographs and line drawings, referred to as ‘Figure 1’, ‘Figure 2’, and so on, must be numbered in the order in which they occur in the text.

Provide complete, APA-formatted references and text citations and make sure that the two correspond exactly. The APA Manual provides (a) detailed guidelines on preparing references and citations and (b) many excellent sample references and citations. The manual includes the requirement that, when typing a reference for a chapter in an edited book, the inclusive page numbers of the chapter must be added.

The issue number of a journal should be included only to avoid confusion, as when for example the pagination starts from 1 in each issue rather than being continuous across a volume; in such cases use 16(4), etc.


Proofs will, if necessary, be sent (electronically) to the corresponding author for correction. The difficulty and expense involved in making amendments at proof stage make it essential for authors to prepare their article carefully; any alterations to the original text are strongly discouraged. Our aim is rapid publication; this will be helped if authors provide good copy, follow the above instructions, and return their proofs as quickly as possible.


All authors of manuscripts must transfer the copyright for their paper to the Publisher if and when the paper is accepted for publication.  The copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the paper, including reprints, photographic reproduction, microfilm or any reproduction of a similar nature, and translations. 

Article Publishing Charge (APC)

All papers that are accepted for publication are subject to payment of an article publishing charge before they can be processed any further. In case of rejection the APC do not apply.

For further information see point Article Publishing Charge (APC)


Authors must obtain permission to publish copyrighted illustrations. Authors are responsible for paying permission fees.

Recommendations for papers describing software programs

Papers describing software programs should:

  • Start with the problem (i.e. what problem is this program designed to solve).
  • The literature review should:
    • discuss existing systems which attempt to solve the problem
    • discuss problems with existing systems
    • identify reviews and research that has been carried out with existing systems
    • discuss features that are critical to the development of the program
    • lead into why their system was developed.
  • In addition to describing the program, the authors should present user comments on the effectiveness of the system, or at a minimum describe the evaluation system they will use to test the effectiveness of their system.
  • Provide a copy of the software to allow evaluators the opportunity to test what is reported in the paper or some other way of confirming that the software really works.
  • Suggest future issues/directions

List item 1

List item 2

List item 3


Authors should submit the manuscriptStatement of Originality and a declaration confirming that in case of acceptance, the Article Publishing Fee will be paid, as electronic files to the Editor in Chief: arnold.baca(at)

Email attachments are preferred.